Thursday, March 6, 2008


It would be ridiculous to keep quiet about what is happening in the Netherlands. I'm sure readers from other countries are asking themselves "why the (comparative) silence?".

Its a Dutch thing of course to tend to hide our heads in the sand. If we just don't talk about it, it will go away. We buried Van Gogh, we ostracized Hirsi Ali, we forgot Fortuyn.

But the government has today raised the terrorism threat alarm to 'substantial', only one step away from 'full alert'.

Partly because of the impending release of the Wilders film, but mainly an indication of the growing problems here.

We have a government that does not know how to respond, and a Prime Minister whose only response is to say that he and the government are not responsible for anything Mr Wilders says or does. Mr Wilders is, however, a member of Parliament, legally and democratically elected by the Dutch people.

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