Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Holiday Season

Whether you like it or not, Christmas IS a-coming.

There is no better place on earth to shop for stuff for presents than Eric's store in San Francisco (or online of course, just say its for me).

If anyone is making a list for me at the moment (I live in hope) please oh please a pot or two of Nancy Boy Shaving Cream because there just absolutely isn't any other shaving cream, foam, oil or whatever that even comes close to it, period.

Soap in any or all fragrances, soft and creamy and doesn't dry your skin out.

Secret weapons in the battle against time .... Ultramarine Night Cream & Replenishing Facial Moisturizer remember you heard about it here first ....

Oh, what the hell, anything will do, as long as its Nancy Boy, Eric's store in San Francisco.
p.s. I have no shares in this company whatsoever, dear god i wish i had!

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