Monday, June 15, 2009


Sleep is something that we, as a child, take for granted. Its only later on in life when its 4 in the morning and we are still staring up at our middle-aged ceiling that we begin to understand how lucky we were.

Depression makes it worse, anti-depressives make it even more worse, and anti-virals make it sometimes a (please excuse the pun) nightmare.

I cannot just 'go to sleep' anymore. It takes a little medication and a lot of luck to get me asleep in the first place, but even more difficult to get me to stay asleep for no less and no longer than 8 hours a day. My body will sleep on for a minimum of 10 hours per night, wake up for the next 2 hours and then go to sleep again for anything up to 6 hours at a time. This will not exclude a nap of a couple of hours in the afternoon/early evening.

My Hiv specialist says, all people with Hiv are tired.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Pause, play, fast forward

Life has been a bit complicated the last few months.

No, I'm not going into it.

Well, maybe another time ....

I've just bumped into someone who lives around the corner from my Mum. Bizarre. That someone would actually choose to live there. Although my recollections of it are far from rose coloured, more a greyish taupe to be honest, it was on the grim side at best.

What can people expect? It was a heavy to medium industrial area with very little sunny bits. We always used to joke that I'd never actually seen a tree until I moved to University in London. (This wasn't actually true, it was a rabbit).