Friday, June 6, 2008

a vision of hell without fear

Now what I'm about to say may never reach the general media,

Religions and Dogmas all over the world will try to silence this news,

Institutions that exist solely to feed off Aids subsidy will try to bury this,

.... so listen very carefully for I will say this only once .....

"HIV-positive patients with an undetectable viral load infrequently change their anti-HIV treatment because of side-effects nowadays, according to the results of a British study published in the May 31st edition of AIDS."

source: aidsmap 

With the latest wave of hiv designer drugs showing their true worth in delivering effective results with almost zero intolerance in terms of side effects, and a new compound found that could lead to another new design of drugs, then the long term goal of truly 'liveable' medication could become reality.

No longer the 'poison' that we all view our medication as. No longer the idea that the pills can only stop the virus by damaging our bodies. No longer having to live damaged lives.

But ....

Not everyone is going to want the world to hear this.

Hiv infection without death, without pain? without even discomfort? 

How will the Church cope with a potential sinner without the promise of hell?

How will a Government cope with gay sex without consequences?

How will all those Institutions survive that only survive because of subsidy, if there is nothing for them to do?
.... and who will pay for it all ? .......

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