Monday, July 14, 2008

The 'Other' Church

The Anglican Church is still ripping itself apart. After 500 years they have finally officially agreed that women can be ordained as priests (although it won't actually happen any earlier than 2018). But the Gay issue is tearing at the very fabric of the church's constitution.

With the Bible as both sword and shield both sides fight it out in a very un-english way in public brawls and even in their own churches. This week the openly Gay bishop, the Right Reverend Gene Robinson was heckled in church. Of course the congregation responded by singing a hymn whilst he was removed.

Conservatives have never been able to use the Bible to deny the existence of women, just their place in the leadership of the church.
However, the Bible has been very useful over the last few centuries as 'evidence' against the very existence of homosexuality.

In the end, I don't care what the church decides on the subject of Gay Bishops yes or no. I believe that religion as such is anti-humanitarian. However I do care about why they are even discussing the subject.

Religion as excuse for discrimination.

For more examples closer to home see: the Netherlands, Christen Unie, CDA, christian council workers refusal to conduct gay marriages, Amsterdam council cleaning up the Red Light District, Yvette Lont, Amsterdam Council member claiming that homosexuals not be fit for office ....

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