Saturday, August 30, 2008

Gay Weddings

"I knew something had to replace Disco, but I never dreamed it would be Marriage!"
Bette Midler

Of course that's not quite true. After all, if you want to do camp then there's nowhere campier than a church now is there?
Miles of lace, acres of flowers, kilometers of ribbons, buttons and bows.
Men looking like men and women looking like women.
A public display of affection.
An official piece of paper declaring love, honour and obedience (okay, that one's optional).

A Gay marriage is everything a relationship 'should' be, as a black on white binding contract.
So all the years we have spent as Gay men working on alternative relationship forms, all those nights of fighting down the jealousy in a bar, all those lonely days when he was with his 'fuck buddy' are gone in one flourish of the pen.

Of course they're not, but hypocrisy works in Gay marriages just as well as in Straight ones. The wedding certificate makes a wonderful blindfold to all your husband's (and your own) indiscretions.

Ah, hypocrisy! Now there's a word we can relate to ....

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