Monday, June 15, 2009


Sleep is something that we, as a child, take for granted. Its only later on in life when its 4 in the morning and we are still staring up at our middle-aged ceiling that we begin to understand how lucky we were.

Depression makes it worse, anti-depressives make it even more worse, and anti-virals make it sometimes a (please excuse the pun) nightmare.

I cannot just 'go to sleep' anymore. It takes a little medication and a lot of luck to get me asleep in the first place, but even more difficult to get me to stay asleep for no less and no longer than 8 hours a day. My body will sleep on for a minimum of 10 hours per night, wake up for the next 2 hours and then go to sleep again for anything up to 6 hours at a time. This will not exclude a nap of a couple of hours in the afternoon/early evening.

My Hiv specialist says, all people with Hiv are tired.

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