Monday, February 1, 2010

Aids-related Cancers

The top three cancers in the general population, breast, intestine and lung, occur in the same frequency in people with a Hiv infection. However, the three so-called Aids related cancers occur much more often.

  1. Kaposi Sarcoma of the skin and internal organs – Herpes 8

  2. Glandular or non-Hodgkin – Epstein Barr Virus

  3. Cervical (in women) – HPV

Other cancers are rising in frequency amongst people with a Hiv infection. Notably the Hodgkin Lymphoma.

The association with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C infections increase the risk of liver cancer.

Certain non-KS skin cancers are also more prevalent in people with a Hiv infection.

Anal cancer, although comparatively rare, does occur 25 times more in Hiv positive men and 40 times more in Gay Hiv positive men. Recent trials are already indicating that these figures will increase when the trials are completed.

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