Friday, July 27, 2007

details, details ...

More details of the stabbing.

The NOVA camera crew were filming on the Zeedijk for the show that evening. The staff of the Engel informed customers that there would be cameras. 5 skinhead customers (to be precise 4 and a punk) took offense, were drunk, obnoxious and started accosting the camera crew.

The police arrested 2 of the 5.

Just as peace was returning to the street a Maroccan came up to a man outside of the Barderije. Words were exchanged and then the man was stabbed.

Any news of the event reports a 'stabbing as a result of an argument between 2 men' .... no mention of the word gay.

This way Job Cohen, Mayor of Amsterdam can keep on claiming that attacks on gay people in amsterdam are incidental.

I wonder just how long his arrogance can last? Or does someone actually have to die before things change? Or do we as a community have to take things into our own hands?

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