Sunday, May 18, 2008

All the news that's worth the paper its written on

My god, what a week ....

Enjoyable, exhilarating, exciting and way over the top on my energy level. Sensible decision to stay in last night and watch CSI Vegas, twice.

So what is it about TV that lulls the active brain cells into rest, or coma depending on which report you are reading at the time. Although if you watch TV regularly you aren't going to be doing much reading.

I've just had a 2 week trial thing from 'Het Parool' newspaper. To be honest I've read two of them in the whole 2 weeks. It just doesn't enter into my brain to wait around until lunch time to get the news. I just log on and get what I need from the Web.

Or to be more exact, I get my selection from what is offered to me.

More info on this on Ted by Alissa Miller. 
Spend 4 minutes listening to her and your ideas on how much of the world you really know about may change ....

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