Sunday, May 4, 2008

Ms Dorothy 'Dottie' Glamour gets it off her chest

Dear all,

Yes, its that time again, and I'm livid, absolutely livid .....

There I am on the Zeedijk during Koninginnedag giving joy and laughter (and a well needed dress sense) to the masses - and what happens?

I'm manhandled, or to be more accurate, womanhandled!

I mean, honestly, put a dress on and the whole of womankind thinks you are public property! I was pushed, groped and fondled all afternoon. There was worse too, I had small children thrust into my arms with the demand to have my picture taken with them. If those poor misguided parents only knew .....

Listen my dears, on such a day drunken homosexual men I can handle, lord knows I've had the practice, but this?

Anyway, here's a picture of yours truly just before one of above mentioned women tried to rip me out of the arms of dear sweet Dave.

See you soon dears,

ps: Just to remind certain people (you know who you are), its 'Glamour' as in 'L'amour' and not 'Glammer' as in 'hammer' ....

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