Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sneezing Can Seriously Damage Your Health

Well that was a bummer to say the least .... bloody hell .... I sneeze and then suddenly I'm on the floor screaming in agony unable to move in any direction at all for 2 1/2 hours.

Winched out of my flat through the hole where the window used to be by the ambulance men and the fire brigade (after receiving so much painkiller that i can't remember any of it or them) and then coming round in that 'oh so familiar' lime green OLVG emergency room ....

So Love Dance went ahead without Auntie Dottie and she won't be up and about for another few weeks.

Now I'm at home, drugs, drugs and back up drugs to kill the pain.

The Doctor said "Its just bad luck".


But many thanks to everyone who is helping me to get back on my feet, all the sms's, mails, telephone calls etc. Wonderful and very, very much appreciated, thank you :-)

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