Thursday, August 16, 2007


"Are you afraid of dying?"
"Only partly"
"Which part?"
"The part that hurts"

But it seems we, as hiv infected, won't be around to worry about that when it happens - we'll all be ga-ga long before then.

"HIV's double hit on brain cells"
"HIV can trigger learning and memory deficits by launching a double attack on the brain, research shows.
It was already known that a protein on the surface of the virus could kill off mature brain cells.
But the latest study shows it also prevents the production of replacements by crippling cells with the potential to step in and take their place." source BBC Health

We've given Hiv the blame for everything else. Now we can give it the blame for burning off our mature brain cells. Maybe a touch of immaturity, feigned or real might actually get us somewhere .....

.... imagine going to Den Haag and demanding free Viagra in the basic health package by sitting down in the office of the Health Minister, "oh and while you are at it mister security officer a cup of coffee would go down a treat .... oh and by the way I am on seriously high levels of psychotropic drugs which impair my judgement .... please forgive my drooling over your nice clean unform .... what was the name again? No, silly, not yours - mine"


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